go karts racing

go karts racing~~~




racing car is so fun, when making a turn, you don’t need to brake, instead you can accelerate~~

then you can fell the shifting

another thing I regret is I never succeed to pass any  car..

need to come back and practice more~~~


Yesterday, I went to santa cruz to surf, but I didn’t surf, since I can’t swim and a little bit scared

so I stay in the beach and watch them surfing.

anyway, surfing is interesting, expect the time you spent idol for the waves


when I was on the beach, I saw a couple sitting there, so romantically


the beach is really beautiful


the people I met is really fun, they are all abc

and really handsome

I need to know more about others.

wow, pass the driving test~~

wow, pass the behind the wheel driving test, too happy,

this is my second trial, in the first trial, I barely drive, I just left the DMV, prepare for the left turn exit, since there were so many cars, I waited a long time, she failed me

the second time, I choose the 8:20 time slot, since it is early in the morning, there is fewer cars and pedestrians, which make my test much easier,

besides, I am not awake enough, so have no time to nervous, when I realize I am having a test, I am already on the road~~

the examiner is a white guy, which is better than my first examiner~ I changed it .

anyway, the biggest thing I have done in america, I can go around and have fun~~

Reach out to help people in my country and all over the world

Today, I watched the talk bill gates gave in Ted, it is basically just a talk about the energy and calling for more effort in green energy, but in the talk, a photo, really shocks me.

it is a photo of African students reading books in street, because they can’t afford light in home……..

It reminds me that what a happy and rich life I have in Stanford. I never have this kind of situation, on the contrary,  even with the light ( I have 4 lamps in my room), I waste my time surfing internet or ……….

I don’t deserve the resources I have………

Besides,  checking the comments of different people about the bullet train tragedy in my hometown, I find what a fucking system China have and how much Chinese people have to suffer.

As a people, a well-educated people, I should pay more attention to the world, try to find some way to help others, not just concentrate on your trivial daily life.

From the hierarchy of need,  I always pursue the physiological need,  I should develop more about myself.

never just stay in how to make my life more beautiful but how to make others life wonderful, thus, you will get esteem and respect from peers.

web blocker~save my life

If someone ever investigated how much time people spent mess on the internet, the number should be tremendous.
Internet is potential for good or evil, but now the evil side has out weight the good side, in my opinion. Students just spend too much time on internet, like playing video game, surfing  on facebook or twitter, checking the latest video on youtube, is that meaningful??

someone argue that some social network like facebook or twitter, help people in modern society to know each other, develop relationship and so on. Yeah, I admit that.

The most convenient way to know about what your friends or acquaintance eat for lunch, how they spend the weekend, or the latest activity they involved, is checking their facebook,or following them on twitter.

But  is it really matter?? do you really need to know what they have done??

the time you spend on  facebook, or renren, is the most inefficient.  The information is not worth the time you wasted.

I have read the article about how the social network helps you succeed in future, but on the premise that you are already a very successful person.

So, try to seize the day and night you have in Stanford and accomplish really great work.

thank for the web blocker, it helps me to concentrate on my work and go back to the primitive way of learning, using textbook , pen and paper, it works quite well.

so you need to stick to this plan, never broke it.

It is your bottom line……………

Bullet train crash..how can I go back home

I am so shocked at the news that the bullet train in my hometown collide and causes so many death in China.

I have to say I am lucky to avoid that tragedy,  so if I went back China during the Summer, would I just take the bullet train home??

yeah, probably. then maybe, I would be one of the victims.

what make me much more sad is the attitude of the authority.

Bribe is common in China, but when it threatens the interest of every citizen, I can’t tolerate any more.

I can’t stand this kind of society, which pay no attention to the people, which value the human rights as nothing, which only pursue money and fame..

I need to stay in USA, life in China is so miserable.
I need to stay in USA, it makes me feel much secure.

to stay here, What I should do is just work hard,

you need to work hard to make a spot in USA for yourself.

even I can’t find someone I love here, I still need to live here. back china would be worse..

sad week

Friday again..and I can’t be more sad.

first of all, I failed the driving test, though everyone told me that it is common to fail in the first trial, but it still hurts. I barely drive, I just start and because I am too nervous, I can’t start the engine and drive smoothly. The reason she failed me is

I don’t understand the right of the road……dumn


Then I went to go karting with Lily and other students. Then I find the biggest problem……My english hasn’t improved too much..

I still can’t communicate well with native speakers.

My oral english, especially in this occasion, still impede me to talk smoothly and confidently with others

Definitely need to work hard on it.. Try you best to talk with native speaker every day..it helps.really


Then Tao has been back, and he invited me to have dinner with others. sorry, I behave so bad …….I am too excited, mightbe long time has not communicated with others. I can see that people don’t like me so much.. keep interesting and sometimes be elegant and has some respect for others, don’t tease others like you are good friends, actually you are not good friends, you are just acquaintance.

be polite and be elegant

never try to be open-mind and manly, it is not popular with guys,

men all like feminized women~~so behave like a girl.


The last point is always about the appearance. I checked myself in mirror,


about how you look like. Everyday, You need to sleep better, work out and then try to use mask before you go to bed.

at least

you need to work hard on it.






Tips for behind the wheel driving test

though I have driving licence in China, I have to admit that I am not good at driving. I can’t concentrate and do a lot of things at the same time, like checking the mirrors, signaling, turning the wheels, pay attention to the pedestrian at the same time.

I need more practice, even I pass the driving test here in California.

For the behind the wheel driving test, tips to the driving test

1 after getting on the car,

1) wearing seat belt

2) get the engine

3) release the parking brake

4) turn on the left signal

5) the driving

6)check the blind spot and side mirror before you start

right turn

1) first signal

2) check the side mirror and blind spot

3) turn the car to the right side

4) if there is stop sign, stop first

if there is just traffic light, then crawl up and check the vehicles in the lane, when the traffic light in front of you is red, then watch when the cars are clean

if the light is green, then yield the pedestrian

left turn

1) check the rear mirror, don’t need to check the blind spot and the side mirror.. just the rear mirror

2) always have to stop

3) in the unprotected cross road, when the traffic light is green, crawl up and wait when there is no car coming,  and pay attention to the pedestrian

at the intersection,  always check the cars and check the pedestrians

change lane

1) signal

2) make the car straight and relax

3) check the blind spot and mirror before

4) turn off the signal after you changing the lane

For the driving text

after going off the driving spot, checking the blind spot, check whether others are also existing, yield to them

then check whether there are pedestrians

then stop at the curb, check the coming cars , if there is no cars, turn your wheel smoothly and stop and the stop sign.

always known the road condition


brake a little to make the speed to be 15 mph, then ease the brake when you run across it.

Pull over

1) signal

2) check the mirror

3) brake

4) turn to the right a little

5) pull off

going back to DMV

left turn going back

1) slow down and turn on the signal

2) never gas during the process

3) then left turn again

4) pick the spot

hopefully you can pass~~~~

推荐一本书: 许常德–爱的一百个提醒

特别喜欢许常德写的歌词, 跟林夕的词的风格很不一样

许常德是比较现实的,平近的, 就像跟你生活在一起的大哥,会跟你开玩笑,会跟你聊家常



好啦,言归正传,这本书很好, 中心观点是, 不要结婚, 结婚了也要试着离婚..




结婚 ,只是承认了对对方的拥有权, 却没有义务满足对方..不合理..

会糟蹋你的人是无罪的,  因为他只是玩的心态..如果你认真, 就错了..跟他,也只能玩

长久要靠聪明的相处, 专有则要靠魅力, 就像大多数人以为有了金钱就有了快乐,  以为形式的占有, 至少困住对方,其实是困住了自己.











感情不能跟责任扯在一起, 感情要纯粹

爱是什么?? 爱的标准就是不要让对方难受

分手分得好,就是情圣, 分不好,就是禽兽


anyway, 我最大的问题就是总是自己觉得 很寂寞, 其实寂寞寂寞就好..





never shopping again.

people always think that it is nature that women love shopping.

but I tend to believe that it is nurture, it is a habit that developed during grow up.

My  mom is not the source of my bad habit, my elder sister is…

I still remember when I was just a kid, my elder sister always request me to recommend what kind of clothes look better on her. She love to pair and try different style of clothes, and she has tons of clothes in different styles.

like different kind of sweater, skirts, shorts, tops, jackets and handbags.

so do I.

after I have my own salary, I begin to buy a lot of different kind of clothes. besides, there are lots of cheap clothes here in USA, like 8 dollars tops , 10 dollar jeans, 20 dollar dresses, 30 dollars shoes

Though individually, each one only cost a little, a lots of them still cost you a fortune. that is the reason why I can’t save money after one year here. I spent all my money on clothes, skin care products, make up, shoes, and handbags.

today, I spent almost 3 hours to sort out my clothes, and I found I have so many wired clothes I believe I will never want to wear.

what was wrong with me when I bought them??so wired..

and a butch of high heal shoes..they really make me uncomfortable and make people think I am ……over dress..

so I am determined to stop shopping and pay much attention to your nature beauty and spirit

beautiful women will shine even without make up and fancy clothes

besides, you should invest on something worthy, like travelling, eating, learning, social, and something. never waste money on clothes or handbags.. it makes you cheap..