about the students in IIT

of course, IIT is the most competitive place for students all over the worlds, and I can see the students from IIT is so brilliant, so hard working and so self-principled, which is what I am not capable of .

so I probably would learn much from those brilliant IIT students and begin to appreciate what I have earned.

why should I suffer so much as a Ph.D student?

because I am not born with the resources others do,  to get what they have now, you need to sacrifice.

like the students in IIT ,if they don’t work like a pure idols, what kind of life would they have?

they would live like a slum dog in the monbay street, just like any other indian boys do.

Then, it comes to me,

now I always want to be like as elegant and successful as Ying chang does, but it can’t be true. because what she has is not something I can expect.

what kind of life you deserve now??

of course, it is the life work as a workaholic and then  will get somewhere around.

just work.

bye bye all the  distracted life style, I need to focus..

how to find a boy friend

all over the world, women seems to complain about the die out of good men, and are frustrated of looking for someone, but we need to change, never do such things again,

for the tips given by the boys,

1) Get rid of the goddamn dog and clean yor house.
2) Go to a beauty shop and ask for suggestions to look better.
3) Go back to school and get your GED. Men like a girl with a little intelligence.
4) Have the tattoos removed.
5) Remove the pins, bones, spikes, and metal from your body. Real men like a clean looking woman.
6) Take a bath and get some White Diamond perfume or other qulity perfume and use it.
7) Go on a diet and lose about 50 lbs.
8) Get a job.


anyway, you need to be a clean woman, always remember that , a clean woman is the best choice for any man.

free food vs graduate student

wired, why graduate students always hurry for free food, whenever it is and what kind of food it is.

if there is free food, you can always see a bunch of graduate student


1) face it, brain work needs a lot of energy compared with labor. the thinking process actually requires a lot of energy, the brain consumes 50% of the energy we need daily..which is really a significant amount

2) graduate students don’t have money..so we can’t afford great food daily

3)  graduate student don’t have time, so we can’t cook ourselves so often


so the solution left is —————————–free food

whenever and wherever there is free food, graduate students will go there, it saves our time and still get some food

why should we be shamed?



art reception and the guy I met

what is art reception?

really? it is just a reception, nothing else..ridiculous..

but when I went there, I met a guy, who is doing circuit, he told me that his professor works 18 hours a day and continue to work as this for more than 10 years to get his tenure.

academia is  fierce…  you should work really hard to get it done.

so never spend time on useless things like watching the TV shows, especially the chinese tv shows,

that is useless.

never spend all the night watching meaningless tv shows.


academia has pros and cons, you have the intellectual freedom to do whatever you want, though you have to yield to some politics, but at least you don’t need to do the marketing or other things.

but for start up your own company, you have a lot of distraction, including the market, the venture capital and others

make sense.


push myself out of comfort zone

don’t know why ,but I always choose to stay in my comfort zone, do nothing but get bored and finishing without accomplishing anything

why is that?

you need some action, you need some passion, look at what you have done

and you should be committed to your promise and do something everyday.










confused with american coins.

each time I go to buy something, I will hand out all the coins I have and let people choose what they want, obviously, that is silly..

so I make some survey and find the right choice of coins, so next time, I won’t be embarrassed..

now I notice that there are three kinds of coins which are widely used in united states

the golden one is 1 cent, 0.01 dollar

the wider one is 5 cent , 0.05  dollar

and the largest one is a quater 0.25 dollar,

make sure don’t make any mistake next time

keep working

high quality life

as I have lived for almost 24 years, one third of my life, holy crap.. I begin to think of the quality, not the quantity of my life.

I need to have high quality life, not just live as a human

I need to live as elegant as possible as a human,  life is wonderful, so don’t waste it on meaningless things,

changes I have to make, if I want to live my life fully

1  do everything professionally,

for everyday, I need to work, I need to cook food for myself, and I need to clean up the room, this is the tiny little things in my life, but I need to enjoy them and transform them into something interesting.

like cooking, I rarely think of cooking as an art.. now I do!!!!!!!!!!!!

I used to think cooking is just to make food eatable, since I don’t care about food, I don’t need to prepare this

but now, things have been changed,  I need to learn more about cook, and make beautiful cuisine,

transform cooking as a wonderful experience..

2 go out and talk with strangers

travel a lot, don’t always stay at home, try to go out and explore different culture and different cuisine

then try your best to talk with different people,  people in USA like to talk a lot, to make the best of these opportunities.

3 love your research and makes it professional,

do more and talk less. this is the golden criteria.



can’t stand the hunger

everyday, I was waken up and forced to go back home since I can’t stand the hunger

if I don’t eat enough during the middle of the day, how can I work?

I always think about having food, and it stops me thinking..which is so bad..

so next time, I need definitely prepare my lunch at home first and take it to my office..

what kind of lunch would I have ??

definitely need some rice, brown rice

then some cooked vegies.

and some chicken or some fish.

at night I should eat some fresh salad ..

that is my strategy..

but I still can’t resist the hunger…

too bad..