about the students in IIT

of course, IIT is the most competitive place for students all over the worlds, and I can see the students from IIT is so brilliant, so hard working and so self-principled, which is what I am not capable of .

so I probably would learn much from those brilliant IIT students and begin to appreciate what I have earned.

why should I suffer so much as a Ph.D student?

because I am not born with the resources others do,  to get what they have now, you need to sacrifice.

like the students in IIT ,if they don’t work like a pure idols, what kind of life would they have?

they would live like a slum dog in the monbay street, just like any other indian boys do.

Then, it comes to me,

now I always want to be like as elegant and successful as Ying chang does, but it can’t be true. because what she has is not something I can expect.

what kind of life you deserve now??

of course, it is the life work as a workaholic and then  will get somewhere around.

just work.

bye bye all the  distracted life style, I need to focus..

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