about today’s talk on financial job panel

I thought it should be some genius talking about their experience in financial jobs.

however, it turns out to  be very boring, a bunch of masters talking about their favorite AV girls and commented on girls waist,boots and others.

then they talk about their jobs, as a master, what you can do is just doing some very low level jobs. though it requires a lot of skill, but most of the skills are just communications and writing, which is absolutely sad.


then talking about the girls and boys, I found out how fat I am recently, and how ugly I am ..I fairly pay no attention to my outer look, how could it happen in this way..///////meanwhile, I also eat a pizza when I am typing..sucks.

so I definitely need to change, not just dress up or using make up like the girls, but need to pay more attention to my skin, keep it clean and fresh


so just make important changes about yourself.and never quit as a girl.

you should be a elegant girl and keep it

the twitter phenomena

so the top three twitter follower is

lady gaga

justin bieber


and since so many twitts goes on everyday, so it causes a lot of trouble for the existing infrasture, or the network all over the world.

so to deal with this problem, make sure the low latency and low consumption  is the key



it is easier said than done..I promised never thinking of him anymore, but when I am alone in the office, when I feel alone, I begin to think of him,

how is he going?

I haven’t seen him for such a long time.. begin to wonder how he is doing, is there anything happened to him??

or does he have a new girlfriend……

anyway, stay cool~~~~~~I should be better~~~


another thing I need to remember is

the thing you need to do in the lab is working, leave all your pleasure things outside the office, office is the place only for work.


cancel all the things at last minute..


I should go to the walze dance, I should go to bakery setup, I should do more things, but the result is .

I haven’t done anything..just because I don’t want to .

why ??

sound hulirious..

But I need to figure about the best time to spend for social and for work. sometimes, you need to do some work, sometimes You should go out to have fun,.

but the balance is hard to find.

I need to be responsible to the decision I have made


this got to be a good life~~

whatever, life would be exactly what you choose to be

when I told yuxin, I am busy,  he can’t believe that. How can you be busy? because you are not doing anything.


I have to admit that, actually compared with him, I have done so little things.

so why is this situation?

I think it over and over, then, the result is

I have a lot of things to do, but don’t know how to do them or how to do them right

for example, install isce like my adviser told me to

but for installing this little program, I have a lot of trouble

then for another two courses

literary, I have no idea about the statistic things, the preliminary knowledge I have is far less enough to help me go through the courses.

but things need to be done one by one and step by step, you can’t image you can be a fat guy overnight, or lose 20 pounds overnight, but what you can do is work consistently and day by day


keep up, keep the mood and work hard. you can do it~~

good trip place

yesterday night I went to listen to OEP ‘s open lecture and learned  a lot of good hiking place in california


the first place to check is Yosemite,

Mono pass trail

Mist trail

or half dome


then Emigrant wilderness is also quite beautiful

big sure, good beach,

point reyes,  national park, also has good beach

sculpture beach


sequoia and king canyon

deadman canyon

hoover wilderness

crown lake lap  ::: a great place for fishing

Joshua tree,           if you are a big fan of rock climbing

pacific crest trail:::::::the longest one , takes 6 month to finish, but you can do a part, like john mur Trail, then it takes 3 weeks to finish


also I can do car camp or tent camp, then it is much easier and casual


good website


