get a C for stats 305

humiliated by statistics course, especially after getting a c

what the fuck am I doing??

am I really put my focus on my study or just waste my time doing meaningless things??

about work out

I need to lose weight definitely, the time put on to exercise is necessary

and there are a lot of stuff I need to do

like learning

like look at some paper

so much pressure.

too live here as a competitive people, it is very very hard/

after talking with zhi, I realize how difficult to live a life, not to mention a decent good life

just finding a stable and good job is hard enough for me.

it is not enough to be just a Ph.D in stanford, what you do, your research area and your skill are really the things matters,

not the kind of person you are.

so I need to find a way out, not waste my time on meaningless thing, but need to work hard as  a professional student. know how to deal with problems and how to solve this kind of problems

not just English skill matters, but the things you learn during the process is also very important.

to digest the knowledge is much important than just taking the course, every course, you need two times of the lecture time to digest what the professor says, and than do some homework.

it is not enough just to take course and do nothing.


about the leasure  time.

life is hard for you, since you  have already wasted so much time when you are young, so you need to pick up as soon as possible. Though I admit that I really sucks when it comes to research, so the next stage of my life would focus on project and do more projects with more professors to improve myself


New year’s resolution

new year, promise yourself something

1 never watch boring chinese show program anymore, never watch youku videos anymore

2 when you come back home, never open computer to watch video,

3 books books and lecture, or american talk show..

4 stopping eating food. every time go back home or in the lab, try to drink more water..

5 papers more papers.. more papers.