about EE quals

Tao failed EE quals again, and my adviser apparently not so satisfied with his work, decided not take him to Ph.D path.

I am more anxious than before, what my adviser would do to others, apparently would do to me..


so I definitely need to improve more on my research and other skills, never waste my time on anything else.

why you become so fat? because you don’t think and have no pressure..

if I am in the difficult situation, I believe I won’t eat so much

so the next week, begin to eat carbs more, and exercise routinely

besides, put more time in research homework and of course piano


so here is my time schedule for the rest of the quarter

1 wake up in 6 :30 am

2 do some exercise, sing a song , never eat breakfast!!!

3 take a shower and come to office around 8:30

4 begin to do research

5 12:00 have lunch

6 1:00 pm research again until 5:00 pm

7 head back home and do some exercise and clean up

8 7:00 research again..

9 11:00 play piano for a while and then go to bed..


hopefully everything will go on its own temper

things you need to do before graduation

some good skills

1 technical excellence you should be able to do it yourself

2 communication with others, by communication with group members

3 works with others

4 presentation skills

prepare for such things

1 hour 25 minutes, 5 minutes 2minutes 1 minutes 20seconds

because of different situation ,

it is through generous donation of three giants,  tremendous famous,

post session, you need to be able to

to cover all kind of situation, you should have different kind of perspective, even meet people in highway

road to success ,

genius, they

equip yourself with knowledge

arm yourself with knowledge

the first order business is

I will look at it to see what I can do.

seminar..everyone becomes instant expert

to pick up you complete have no idea about

how do people tell whether you can pick up things fast

the skills outside what you expert

so the skill is learned

first you choose different kind of courses

and do some totally different kind of

tell-tale sign


the to do list

know your advisor

know other professors recommendation, collaborate with other professor

interactive with others,


be active in professional societies

go interview for as many position as you can

take a class and ta for them

take wine tasting class and ballroom class –you won’t get

friends are  quite important

try to

go interview

is there anything I should ask but I don’t

another tricks

ask some interviewer about the common question like what you are doing and how long


get organized

after finishing the stupid group talk, I realize the failure of my life relies in the expectation of other’s attention

I used to live on the spot of the stage, wherever I go, people would respect me and like me

but when I came to Stanford, it likes that no one pay any attention to me.

the life in Stanford is quite boring, just do my own stuff, and other labmates don’t give a shit on my research topic, however, I need to pay attention to myself

inspiration by professor zhixun shen

though my research is far away from his, I still want to have lunch and contact with him

first of all, he is a very successful researcher,

second, he shares the same background with me, either the education background and the growing up environment

besides, any words from an old people, I don’t emphasize on the successful part, but just the old part , should be taken good care of .

since what they said should be extracted from their life experience.


during the lunch time( actually on one eat the lunch, but looks like a serious group meeting)

he gives several great advise

1) if you need to give a talk , give a really good one, first impression is quite important

2) if you want to pursue your career in academia, you should do postdoc, it is far much better than getting an AP, since you have less obligation and more time to invest on your own research


random things about

go back china vs stay in USA:  if you want to go back China,  make sure that there is some big figure to protect, help and promote you, otherwise, the chance for you to succeed is still light

do some research your advisor personally interested in

remember to help yourself.

Stay Focus on your whole process

I need to remember that

working place is just for working, and home is for recreation..

so when I am working, don’t browse any website which is unrelated to my learning or something else.

just read books and do some stuff

don’t make your workplace just like home,

otherwise, your efficiency would also drop as what you did at home


in the recreation part. what I need to do is

practice playing piano often, everytime when I went back home

don’t buy any clothes or make up product, just what you need, once a week is enough for online shopping.. never do it more than once.

playing badminton every Friday night, to practice and recreate

when I come to work everyday in  the morning, just focus on what kind of work you need to do

and submit some resume for the financial jobs, or somewhere near new york

if you want to find someone to love, just improve yourself in that way and you will be fine

improve your efficiency is the most important

and then enjoy your life
















