Spring Break

I have totally forgotten what I have done the last spring break, which is the first spring break in Stanford. I guess I might stay at home, watch movies, read some books and that’s all……..

so this time, I don’t want to waste my time on sleeping or watching movies again. I choose to go traveling with some friends.

besides, maybe I can use the time to learn something or totally transform myself in some way. But it is hard to stay motivated during spring break. I would most probably end up with lagging

So what I need to do is just discipline myself in doing everything, SO that I can achieve things one by one.

this would be the last time I went to camping or hiking, I need to save some time for practicing other skills like tennis or piano.

the last time the ultimate fun~

utilize the resourse of meyer library and work more in library

I always think that I can work quite hard at home, but after a while, I realize, it is not true.

when I am alone, I am totally wasted my whole time just around the internet and doing nothing.

so what’s the hell??

look at how comfortable the library is

especially the working space. why I am not use it at all??

your idiot

you should do that ..

you should spend most of your time in the library, especially when there is nothing special.

work hard, you need a job..

you are not wealth at all..some people might take it wrong, but you should realize, you are totally not good at all

work everyday at meyer

and reschedule your time!!!!

the grade of niu ren

Today, xiaojiang stopped by my office to print out his proposal for the extending his master degree

I am not so creepy but I just look at his grades, and understand why he can be so successful.

though people will say that grades doesn’t matter when you are in graduate study, however, a good record wil definitely not be a bad side as long as you don’t sacrifice all your time in achieving this.

He is a great example. good at social, have his own startup and even have girlfriends..

how can he accomplish so much ??

the secret is .. focus on what you should do and done it one by one

after that ,you will be quite ok..

never never be distracted by anything expect work..

but anyway

I should talk to him some time in the future~~


good habits keep you work more efficient

Hi, there,

Now is the final week, and I find myself in a awkward situation, everyone seems to counter some time in their life,

which is regretting that I haven’t done%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


how that comes??

because every time, I have set out some goals and make the deadline for myself.

Ph.D process is a self driven process, if you don’t do something, and if you are like me, with sufficient funding,

the time is quite hard!!!!!!

you begin to feel bored, and without any goal.. just like anything

when you first start, it is always hard to focus, but you have to do that.

you have to focus on your job always to make it done.

so focus is the best thing, how to focus is just shut down all the random website you can look when you are working..

information is collected when you are not working, just that..

ok keeping on working

peer pressure

So called  peer pressure is kind of pressure came from your co workers, friends, and classmate. Actually this is what makes us motivated and also depressed.

when in college, there is a very very beautiful girl in my class. She is stunning beautiful , elegant, interesting, and intelligent, who makes me envy even after 2 years and even I am in stanford, better than her .

At that time, every time I met her, I feel so depressed about myself. Comparison is something one can never avoid when you are in the society and with people.

compared with her, I found myself, first not beautiful, then, absolutely know nothing, and the most important, not charming at all..

so I work very very hard, in the hope that one day, I can stand with her, and people think we are the same level

after  4 years, I have been successful also go through a lot of stress, but I see the improvement

however, when I came to stanford, I feel this point, I am a winner. I am in a much more famous university as she did, have more great friends.

but after she gone, I lost my idol, I lost the one to compete with. I lost my life’s balance.

I need to know that

I am much worse when I was in college, I have gained more than 20 pounds, I absolutely still don’t know dance, and can’t play piano

I am not fluent in English as I always do

and I still don’t have friends.

I need to change.. My parents, as Lin once pointed out, He always complain that his parents haven’t prepare enough opportunity for him, so do I ..

if I have to marry someone in the future, I need to aware that,  he might have trouble tolerant my parents.

So I need definitely to work hard,extremely hard

focus is the most important thing I need to learn

from now on, remember that You are far far far worse than you can image..

work hard..

there must be a reason

yesterday, I went to Tao’s birthday party, we had hot pot together.

In that party, I saw Lizhi, a quite famous Chinese girl for her beauty and for her elegance and decency.

Yeah, of course, just as how people perceive her, I feel the same way. she is absolutely decent and talking with her is quite stress-free.

unlike other successful women, aka strong women, who project a compelling image on me when I am talking with them.

She is inherently considerable


I need to remember that just because I feel that I am successful, independent, doesn’t necessarily mean that people need to love me and respect me