good words from walden

the life which men praise and regarded as successful is but one kind,why should we exaggerate any one kind at the expense of the others?

a civilized country where people are judged by their clothes

all men want is not something to do with, but something to do

we worship not grace not peace but fashion

every generation laughs at the old fashion,but follows religiously the new

leave the world to darkness and to me

to be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating.

we are more lonely when we go abroad among men and women we stay in chambers

the value of a man is not in the skin that we should touch him

we have to agree on a certain set of rules, called etiquette and politeness to make this frequent meeting tolerable,

I have three chairs in my room, one for solitude and two for friendship and three for society哪


Vietnam showcase



原来是Vietnam的学生在开一个什么culture showcase










本来今天要去big sur去玩,但是最近发现自己玩的太多了,好像根本没有做过任何正事,今天在图书馆看到一本书,名字叫 rush


Non-stop studying plan.

well, have you heard of intellectual sloth?

we all have the stereotype image of sloth in our mind, a fat, lazy going, coach potato or something like that.

However, I never think myself as a sloth since I spent a lot of time studying, doing interesting things and not often just lay on the couch watching show.actually I watch a lot of TV show…

but according to the book I recently read, ” Thinking fast and slow” ( this is a really good book, can’t recommend it any more)

I am a intellectual sloth. I avoid all the thinking or logic process, just tend to pick up experience or knowledge from my system 1, which just consume a little energy while doing that.

So the good thing is, I have realized it.. the more I realize, the less I will commit a big mistake,

the first order business is, how can I do my best to change it???

put it as simple as possible. how can I put myself in the thinking process?

the way to do it, is force yourself.

like everything, I committed myself to go out hiking. Since the minute I made this decision is quick, after making that decision, you have to stick to it, since You are already on the trail!!

however, when it comes to study or workout, You can quit at any time without any that’s the reason why it is hard to stick to your study plan versus the hiking plan.

Then How to change that?

simply create the kind of “shame” in your mind when you are going to quit it .Make a decision to do something like, working for 4 hours.

then if you quit in between, blame yourself..

about the workout plan.

spend one day, just in gym, like walking, jogging, pushing, anything you need, but you have to stay there for a day, then

I believe, the magical result will come somehow.










quality life style

the photo xu posted on facebook about her little bedroom is so warm, clean and pretty. it reminds me of the quality life style I should purchase as  an elegant women. Opposed to other common or normal chinese girl, I spent too much time on traveling or doing hiking, work out or just exercise.

Why do I exercise? the reason is simply I want to lose some weight. However, I haven’t achieve this because I eat too much. So overall, I have wasted so much time doing meaningless things without achieve one goal

for the remaining days, I need to document my research day by day, write a page of work log everyday to track my research progress.




Spring Break travel

2012 spring break, I made a decision—–I will definitely need to get out of the stanford bubble, I need to travel.

but after all, no friends ask me out and I don’t want to travel alone.. Being a graduate student, I have been isolated for the whole quarter, why should I extend this feeling during spring break?

so I look through the school classes and sign up for the lake tahoe skiing course. unfortunately, it is cancelled due to the fact that fewer people sign up .

then I want to go with redwood club to Death Valley, but peter can’t find enough people to join him

at the last minute, David, ask me whether I am interested to go to roadtrip with him

of course.. I will love to .

he is adorable. 

So four of us, me , david, and another two india guys, Ashish and Goumat headed to San Diego and Joshua Tree to spend our time

we live with Ashish’s friends’ house, they are two Ph.D in UCSD, UCSD is a great place, the house is definitely beautiful

then we go to Joshua Tree National Park for climbing and hiking, which is .. anyway, hard …………


about the food on the way

indian food——-first time eating with my hand

mexican food—–definitely my favorite  food

Thai cuisine–I need to learn about how to cook Thai  food~