Yellow Stone National Park trip

happy time always flies~~Went to Yellow Stone just by chance at the beginning of the June, and the memory is still vivid.

Before I went to YS, my knowledge about this national park is almost zero. Heard of it, absolutely, know that it is the first established national park, and looking forward to the majestic view just like the amazing photos from National Geography. However, I always ignore all the logistics of the travelling, just following travel buddy. 

But, this time, I realize planning the trip is also a major part of the fun in travelling, I missed this every time. So make it up by writing down the travel log.

Day 1

the first question is how to arrive Yellowstone. We flied to bozeman International airport. However, there are other options, the best should be Jackson Airport, since it is really scenic, but Bozeman is also ok.. when we first step into Bozeman, it just feels like a museum instead of airport

we arrive the yellowstone from the North entrance, thus the entrance sign is the famous roosevelt arch~

However, since we start from the north, the weather is quite terrible, it is actually snowing! so most of time, I would rather prefer to sit inside the car instead of stepping out to take photos.

then we just head to see some animals and have a good dinner


Day 2

head to see grand canyon and the famous fall.  It took a lot of time to shoot the photos from different angle of the just amazing fall.


Day 3 

we went to see the famous geysers, there are definitely 1/3 of all the world geysers, actually Yellowstone is a volcano itself. the most famous is old faiful, and we watched it twice during the day..

Day 4

grand teton~~ the name is translated as ” heaven” in chinese, however, the main attraction is just the snow mountain and the hidden waterfall. But the view is still very impressive.

Day 5 head back..


the trip is quite relaxing, especially with so many interesting friends. looking forward my next trip~



the psychology of Love

happy couples thank the other for small things,  and happy couple always see the other through the rose color lens

but unhappy couple

focusing on dissatisfaction

and expose this dissatisfaction to others.


so tips for people to get love

believe you can and should be loved.

work on yourself

be around

show interest

get the person to do something for you, actually, this is much better than working for him.



the worst quarter has gone..





还有就是习惯的问题,还是得次次去TA的office hour,要不然真的不了解在讲什么,然后当然是什么也做不出来,这点还是得承认的。。



还有关于乱七八糟的事情,不得不说我们这一辈的确是比较困难,出身草根,没有一点背景,万事得靠自己打拼, 不像一般的人,


但是正如我想说的,抱怨是一点也没有用的,必须站起来,开始奋斗,开始一点点的改变,开始一点点的向上走,要不然永远都是这个样子,如何说服别人,employ you and like you and hang out with you.

so the next important thing is just —make yourself strong..

you don’t need to hang out with a group of people, but you definitely need to learn something everyday~~

so my plan for this summer.

learn something everyday.

keep working 8 hours  a day








虽然我一直不觉得我有什么暴发户的气质,就像有一次跟朋友讨论racial profile, 我相信所有人都会否认自己是典型的中国人,但从我的其它的朋友看来,我就是一个相当相当典型的中国人,一点也没差。。







我觉得家里的影响的确是很大,我家里的人从来不爱干净,害的我现在也是一片混乱 必须彻底放弃家里的不好的习惯,我一直生活在一个乱七八糟的家庭,自然也有这种乱的气息,

