start with banning working remotely

Yahoo CEO recently banned her employees to work from home. Lots of debute is stirred, someone agrees but lot of people think it is a backslash of improvement

However, I kind of agree with her. Every place is used for different meaning, and without doubt, working should be done in workplace,  then you can go back home and have a nice night

So here is what I would do to support her.

From now on, I will commit to myself , work place is just for work, and nothing else. I would not waste my time on random stuff and shift my attention

every morning after come to work , just the office just for work and nothing else.

so the working hour I should spend on Packard building is

9:30 am – 9 pm

No less than that

keeping the diary of weather you have accomplished this goal everyday, and work this schedule through for 1 year.

after 1 year, see how you feel about this schedule

what is your passion?

what do you really want for your short life??

I wonder about this question again and again in my 20s life. Though everyone tells me , everyone is lost in their 20s, but it is not an excuse of skipping thinking about my life.

what do I really want? I really want a secure and comfortable life, doing some not so hard jobs , and especially don’t always under pressure.

academia life is so stressful and even You go home after the job, you are totally not free. you have to think about the problem always, lots of homework and lots of pressure. I guess I am done with that. In the next few years, I will definitely not choose to have classes  and research simultaneously, and try to do one thing at  a time.

Finish my phd and go on to have a teaching oriented life style.




fatigue..and cold

with so many things going on, I am really kind of lost in figuring out the priority in my life.

someone says, living in stanford is just like going to a perfect buffet, so many delicious food, and you need just to remember one thing

YOU can’t have it all. Try to prioritize the things and put the things you want in the first place and then don’t do things you don’t love to do.

About wasting too much time, I guess the only thing I need to remember is turning off the internet whenever it is possible.

I guess I need to plug out the internet when I am at home and just enjoy my leisure time more often

Try to need newspapers and magazines, like the old fashioned way

try not to waste too much time on internet


speed date yesterday

Yesterday, I went to a speed date event organized by graduate association. It is supposed to help graduate student find ” the one” during their busy school time.

and it is the first time I have tried this kind of things. I am not opposed to arranged dating, but  I just never have this kind chance before. So going there is quite exciting for me.

However, the event is much more fun than I have expected.

A lot of people attended this, at least more than I have expected. the funny things is more women come than sad.

the process is quite standard, talking to every man 3 minutes until the bell rings. Then change to the next.

So basically I need to talk to around 30 mens in this evening. It can’t be too fun, the first sentence is always, what do you study? where are you from? or what do you like to do when you are not working?

I guess most of the students are not very serious about this event, they just want to have fun in some kind,  so do I. No one is really serious about asking what is you looking for in your spouse. because actually no one cares..haha

SO about myself, I used to guess I am ok, but during this event, I really think about I need some improvements, especially my looks and body, when I come back home, I am really shocked by how I look.. TERRIBLE>>  I am so bad at make up, especially after applied make up , I looked so fake..

anyway, good experience…



ps::: the result is sending to me.. However, I haven’t got the one I like best, and also the result suggests that I have got a lot of rejection.. I guess it should be something wrong with me. which makes me so sad about myself.

is that normal? I miss him….so stop daydream..


cooking for single

what you put in your mouth determines what kind of people you gonna to be.

So changing my diet is the key step for new year’s resolution.

I am not a quite lazy people,  and honestly, the only factor determining my food choice is healthy, and also low cost. Home cooking is the only way to get healthy food in this fat country, people just put




butter, cheese and sugar into everything they make. I am so puzzled ..why ? why would anyone thinks these fatty and sweet junk food a feast ??  totally have no idea.

However, since I am single and have a lot of things to do , I just find cooking for myself simply doesn’t deserve the effort. and making it more frustrating is —after all the pan and pot, you have to enjoy it by yourself..

however, change your mind change your way. DO you really want to sacrifice your health and pocket for the junk food?  no…

so get up and make it happen girl~

make your trip to safeway or trader joe’s , make a list of food your need to buy, like

salad materials



canned bins


anyway, keep healthy and keep simple