Inspiration from a very nice girl

She is in the same year as me, first met her during the EE orientation. very good looking girl with a nice name tiffany.

most people would think of pretty girls are almost dump, and cares nothing except shopping, makeup, shoes, handbag ect. but it is not the case for her. She has quite a taste, good at photographing, enjoying research , travelling ,food etc.

Maybe you will think if a woman is too perfect, then she will end up being alone, at least terrifying lots of not so good men chasing. However, it is also not the truth here. She recently got engaged, after a long and happy relationship.  Ps: her finance is both handsome and smart. What a wonderful couple….. jealous.  sometimes, I can’t hide my jealous in this way. Everytime, my friends met her, they will whisper like” tiffany tiffany” .

overall, so happy about her. The good always stand out, the excellent always enjoy all.  if you can’t , don’t complain about the environment, just complain about yourself. Must be something wrong about yourself.



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