the disadvantage of self employment

recently, I read a article of the death report of young entrepreneurs in China. Over working and terrible working conditions account for a lot of death in china, but this case is quite different.

usually, those are self employed entrepreneurs who have their own business in Taobao, a platform for selling e-commerce.

In other words, no one force them to work overnight , they made their decision voluntarily. In other words, they choose to shorten their life for the sake of their work.

But is it really voluntary? or is it a coercion?

I tend to believe that, it is a coercion. Since I understand the competition in Taobao, if they don’t work hard, they will lose lots of customers.

I start to think about the working situation again. Some working situation is so bad, just because the competition is so fierce, it pushes you to work all the time, otherwise, you will be eliminated.

the same situation apply in academia. In academia, all researchers work so hard, that if you can’t compete with them, you are better off just leave.

In other working place, people kind of have a balance. So everyone is guaranteed to have some time after work and enjoy a qualified life.

though self interest and competition is the driving force for capital market, we still need regulations. Without proper regulations, the competition would be so fierce that people  are forced to  work all the way,  thus the living environment become  not suitable for people to work anymore.


If I don’t have the power to change the situation, I will choose to walk away and choose some style more suitable for me


Movie review– sleepless in seattle

I believe that a charming name is half success for a movie, Sleepless in Seattle definitely is one of them.  Also I bet it brings a lot of tourists desperate for love going to Seattle.

I watched the movie more than 3 times, but each time, I have different thought over it.

the first time, I just love Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Honestly, I don’t think it is a great movie, and I just can’t get how this love comes from. why does Sam accept Meg Ryan? why Meg escape from her seemed perfect fiance?  It seems like too fictitious.

However, after all those years,  when I watched the movie last night, I begin to understand and appreciate what the movie wants to say.

Love is magic,  there would be no reason behind that, You will know it when you meet the right guy.

As an atheist, I never believe in any of those words. I tend to analyze love just as the way I analyse everything.

Ingredient : beauty,  same interest, right time

bang, love happens.

If love doesn’t happen, the only reason I believe is that you are not good enough, maybe you are not attractive enough or too boring.

then love becomes too realistic or too cheap. I never truly fall in love with someone. or put it another way, I never think there would be one or just one man for me.  I tend to believe, there are millions left there and more or less, they are the same..


this kind of thinking, kills all the romantic side of love. so now, love becomes sex, becomes money, becomes status, or becomes a certificate for being normal.

But what is love? is there really existing something called ” fate”?

what I am thinking  now , is that , it doesn’t matter at all what the truth about love is, the only thing it matters, is what you believe.

just as the story, ” life of pi”,   maybe the story is not so convincing, but it is beautiful, so just believe in it.

Now, I try to never analyse love anymore, just let my heart take me to what it wants. when I find someone who also loves me, I will believe it is fate and love him all my life.








at last, I collect  the quotes I love in this movie

1.Work hard! Work will save you. Work is the only thing that will see you through this.

2.You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.

3.Destiny takes a hand.命中注定.

4.You know, you can tell a lot from a person’s voice.

5.People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again.

6.You know it’s easier to get killed by a terrorist than get married over the age of 40.

7.You are the most attractive man I ever laid ears.

8.Why would you want to be with someone who doesn’t love you?

9.When you’re attracted to someone it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious, subconsciously. So what we think of as fate, is just two neuroses knowing they’re a perfect match.

10.Everybody panics before they get married.每个人婚前都会紧张的.

11.Your destiny can be your doom.命运也许会成为厄运.

12.The reason I know this and you don’t is because I’m younger and pure. So I’m more in touch with cosmic forces.

13.I don’t want to be someone that you’re settling for. I don’t want to be someone that anyone settles for.

14.What if something had happened to you? What if I couldn’t get to you? What would I have done without you? You’re my family. You’re all I’ve got.