raffling the next month

sometimes, it is hard to express how the time is passed, but when it passed, when you reflection, you find yourself without any achievment.

That is called wasting time. Time wasting is a trait that you passed the time without even knowing about it, and without actually achieving something.

for every human being, time is so precious, and so limited. And living the  life like this is totally unhealthy. so I have to change to make a goal and achieve goal for every single day.

With the future totally in my hand, I need to change my patterns, the first thing is to live a much simple life.

1   never log in deal website, actually you don’t need anything any more.

2  never watch TV shows,  it is a merely time consuming

3  never log into any forums, it is not your business.

watching the news every day during your breakfast.

commit yourself for 6 hours work at least everyday.

so that is the commitment I will do 

I really need to have a regular sleeping routine

I am supposed to do a lot of work today, but I got up at 9:40pm… which is much later than I have expected.

The reason may be simply because I falling asleep late last night.  Though I find it quite ridiculous, I have to believe the old chinese saying,  ” a hour before midnight is equal to 2 hours after that.”


Lessons from Learning Swimming


Finally, I can say for sure that I can swim!!!

it really takes a long time for me to master this skill. Though I was born in a place famous for rivers and water, I can’t swim. One reason is that my parents are so conservative, they try to isolate me from any potential threat, including water. Another is that I am so domestic that I rarely set my foot outside house.

But when I grow up, I find actually I can’t do a lot of sports, including playing pingpang, badminton,  football, swimming or tennis, piano. The list goes on and on. it makes me so sad. Why am I so unproductive or take some time in doing other things?

regretting the past time is not a good trait. Instead, I need to take some time and hurry up. So I begin to catch up on all those things.

The problem, always the problem with me, is that I don’t have lots of patience. I want things to be done as soon as possible. So when I try to learn swimming, I hired two coaches to teach me in turn, and kept swimming every single day.

the only reason is that I want to master the skill after the summer.

However, I failed. then I quit.

after this approach, I never swim for two years.  Just when I was on vocation to carribean area, on the beach, I realized I missed  a lot of fun just because I can’t swim!!!

after the vocation, I signed up for beginner’s swimming class in Stanford, hope to gain the skill for swimming again. this time, with proper training, I got progress, but since I don’t have talent in sports, I am still the least skilled swimmer after the class session is over. So my instructor suggests me to take it again or take the ” water fear” class.

However, I didn’t listen to her advise. Instead, I take the advanced swimming class since I want to progress more.

After those two sessions, I am still afraid of water, and still can’t tread water.

But I keep working on, and take it bite by bite.

Now I can swim comfortably in deep water.

I would say that, mastering anything requires a lot of practice and patience. We, young people, always want to get result as soon as possible and quit if we don’t get that. However, it is not a good attitude. We need to slow down and be aware of the fact — growing takes time.


Another great example is learning English. Language is a skill hard to master. We can see lots of advertisement claiming that mastering french for one week. Is it possible?


at least for me, it takes like 12 years to learn English. Every single day, I have to listen, read and speak English before I got this fluency. But when I got so far and look back, it is simply amazing.

So be patience and keep practicing every day. Including piano ~~