to get something, you need to give up something

yesterday, I was doing a workout video following the famous tao method. It is quite popular  then and the method is quite effective. as the instructor says, you need to shout out the rhythm to keep up with the speed.

the latter 郑多燕 copies his method and become an instant success all around  china, then I understand that sometimes it is all about the right time and right place, or else we called luck. the mere copy could also be a quite good .


But back to the topic, the workout is quite intense, for keeping the students focused, the instructor said, if you want to get something , simply you need to give up something


no one can be perfect in every area, so just remind me of the importance of focusing.



keeping up with the new digital worlds

It seems that I am out dated for a long time. I never get connected with new gadgets, I am never excited by new ideas, the only thing I am currently doing is just stick to my original routine and never expand

guess what?

it is not a good sign. I need to pick up with things and not satisfied with all the current situation, I need to work hard instead of just wasting time and stick to my paycheck.

I found out that exactly, no one is so proactive in terms of work, if I chose to stay in my comfort zone, I will always be here forever. I’ve thought about changing, but every time, I get back to my old routine. it is not perfect, even more, it is not desirable.

the only thing I am left behind is changing and get back to my good habit. the first thing is have a good understanding of my situation. I am in a quite severe situation, it is not a good time to think about perfecting yourself, not a good time to exercise yourself. you just need to secure yourself with a position.

hurry up

tired, anxious, afraid to the new quarter

the new quarter officially starts for me, but I feel the reluctancy in myself to accept this new situation.

I still love the holiday feeling, the cozy at home, the emptiness of  doing nothing.

But now, I am back, whether I like it or not, I have to accept it, adjust myself for the new challenges.


there are lots of things, whether we like it or not,  we have to finish it  so that we can have something we really like, for example, a moment of quiet,   hot beverage, warm hug , etc.

fighting for the life ,  and keep your belief. It will guide you through the boring life.  It will give you the comfort of hugging for life.



I hope I still believe and appreciate all the beautiful things,  I hope I can burry all the hardship into my heart  and always put on my smile to the world.

forget about the past  and carry on


less information = more confidence..

after I coming back from china, a new bunch of students have arrived in stanford, also, I got a new room mate.

the young girls are quite cute and beautiful, while also I got to know a lot of hot girls here in Stanford.

Compared with them, I feel so embarrassed of myself. However, it is not going to change anyway. We always put up too many standards for ourselves, think we are not good enough, think we are not good as others.

one thing we forget about is that, no one is perfect and more important, no one expects you to be perfect.

just improve yourself everyday and enjoy all the achievements and beauty on the earth.

Another thing is when I see other girls with foreigners, I feel somewhat jealous.  I am not going to merry or date a foreigners. however, I think making friends with foreigners seems to be quite challenging.  I always can’t make fluent and confident conversation using english, let alone making jokes , being humorous.

How do they manage to do that?  is that because of their appearance or their good knowledge of western culture?



anyway, carry on and achieve something everyday ~~~~~