


起来跑跑步,压压马路,好好吃个饭,洗个澡,睡个睡,不要执着于做一些自己做不到的事情 ,也不要想什么赚大钱跟功成名就,就执着于眼前的一草一木, 阳光,空气跟水


how much is enough?

The biggest news nowadays is the typhoon in Philippine. though lots of people deny the link between the global warming and the devastating natural hazard, I do believe there is. People deny that just because they don’t want to take action.

Happiness literature —  is a life without pain and with lots of happy possible? even so, is that really what we are aiming for?

no, life should be full of ups and downs,

A lot of blame I think should goes to the society’s capitalism. The capitalism and economy drive people to want more and more material goods. Try to see how people waste their time to look at the fashion trend, and try to buy one more boots after another. Yes, products are good thing, but we need to find a line of enough.

after I have enough of clothes, I will stop looking at the deals and will never try to buy anything.



the simple but elegant approach to anything

For the world of too much complications, simplicity may be something left over for us to reconsider. When I was young, comfort is never comes to my mind, what I care about most is only how I am looked in front of people, but for myself.

But as I get more and more mature, I begin to rethink about everything. Sometimes, I really think what others think about me is not relevant. The only thing seems to matter is what I think, what I feel and what I like.

just as it comes to the outfit and shoes I wear every single day, I begin to get rid of lots of low quality but looks trendy things. WHY? because they can’t provide the comfort I am searching for . Now what I am aiming at is what makes me comfort and look classical. I don’t want to cute any more, but eager to be mature, strong, independent and full of wisdom. Then the clothes I chose would reflect my approach. they should be high quality,  comfort feeling, and after all, reflect my minimalist attitude to society.


Minimal to material properties and simply put more attention the the inner peace, the skills I have, the books I read and the knowledge I gain during every single day. Life is beautiful,  vibrant, so don’t waste your time on anything not worth doing. 

You are precious, and deserve good things, don’t count on others to treat you better, you should depend on yourself. You can and should be the master of your life.