Now it is the time to be judged

I have been hidden in Stanford for too much time, I have been school for such a long time, so it is time to get out and back to work and emphasize on work, but it is time to get back and re-focus on work and being judged again.

looking back on my resume, I couldn’t find any shining point compared with someone else. How to shine myself out

try to prepare myself more and practice my English and confidence.don’t underestimate yourself but also don’t over estimate yourself

I can do better than what I have done now, I will do better, I should do better, I will be better

carry on!! you are still young


Reflection– what kind of person I want to be?

I have been working hard on my own for all my life, however, in this point of my life, I begin to doubt whether it is a good way to go, in another word, am I too independent? 

How could my life be if I was born in a super rich family? How could my life be if I was super hot and lots of guys volunteer to help me a long the way? How could my life be if I am willing to settle down and enjoy a comfortable life? why people rewarding hardworking guys with more work and talented guys with more challenging tasks?  if I was set up to be in this way, when will I be able to rest?


then , I talked with my friend about the concerns and puzzles I have about the crazy world I am experiencing right now. I am kind of seeking for some comfort. however, he reminds me everything has two sides. Maybe , I just haven’t realize the hard part of other tasks. maybe I am just playing the victim by myself.

yeah, actually, no work would give you the ultimate comfort and no life is absolutely perfect. Everything has two sides. The working all by oneself would be hard in some sense, however, it gives yourself more confidence and makes you stand on yourself.


The envious and jealous feeling is a sin, because typically it makes your life more miserable. the vast media easily could make anyone of us feel not good enough, so it is time to stop watching those media and begin to live a life by myself.

Do the things day by day, not aim higher, just accomplish the list a little by little. improve yourself, do more excise, just that



Child-free , what is wrong with this option?

it’s really hard to be a woman in nowadays, you need to work as a man in work place, as well as fulfill tasks traditional women should be. We have nothing left for ourselves, slowly by slowly, we have to face the reality. Most of beautiful girls are lucky, they can find someone who will support them financially so they don’t have to work.

However, the rest is a problem. Women without extreme beauty ( or even some do, don’t want to leave working place ) are constantly facing one myth — can we have it all?  career and family? 

few successful women achieved that and they publish books blowing about how they managed all this things. It seems that they are quite enjoying the have it all. However, most of them having their kids in their late 30s to earlier 40s, and they are so successful that I bet they are hiring a lot of people to help them do the job.

To average salary women, hiring babysitter or cleaner would be a luxury they can’t afford. Then having a child is economically not making sense anymore. A fulfill life wouldn’t necessary involve kids, only if we can find some great men who also love kids and share the responsibility, it would be no way to make it work.

Another point is the high possibility of kids not doing good. The world is quite competitive. I am lucky I have a degree, however, lots of people can lose their chance in those competition. 

If having a kids brings so much risk and trouble, can I convince myself to move on to a life without any kids? I hope I can and I should.

The first priority is always finding someone who loves and interesting, love traveling and exploring. Children is just another thing you two do together..


Think about kids later, put your search for life long partner in the first place. 



The era of self publishing

the new digital era gives people more power to be creative, however, it also gives people more leisure just to sit back and enjoy the ride.

then We see the difference between people’s usage of the new technology. Some people become more and more obsessed with just using the information, while there are others are working hard to make themselves more visible in this age.

So what is my solution? 

Shamefully, I used to belong to the first catalogy, I allow myself doing nothing but watching movies and reading random posts, involving too much news and totally lost myself in this process. However, it is time to stop, I need to think about my position again and try to make it count as others.

What is the steps I am going to do?

1) photography is and always will be my interest, so keep recording and refine my skills. Don’t publish anything at once, but refine and go through some retouch before you publish it.

2) set up personal website for photography~

3) I wish I could learn more dance skills, and it is never too late for that~~

4) piano~ and piano~~ it would be fun to play some classical pieces

5) writing and reflection is still my passion, but You need to seriously organize your blog and be a better blogger


Movie review –Her



Oscar will be held today, sadly, I haven’t watched most of the nominated movies. among the few movies I did have watched this year, like ” the wolf of wall street” (is it exaggerating what wall street really is? ), ” american hustle”(don’t like the plot but the cast is charming),” Dallas buyer’s club”( the plot might be just so so, however, the cast is amazing, the performance is phenomenon) , the only movie makes me want to write something is ” Her”.

Her is totally a movie for men, just like the Japanese movie, ” cyborg girl” (我的机器人女友). For sure, only men want to substitute real women with artificial intelligence. For men, love is not the only thing or the most important thing in their life. Love may, in some sense, equals great companion + great sex. accounting for all the hustles real women bring,  having some robot or OS as girlfriends is a great choice.

Thus I think “Her”  has much more philosophical  concepts than Japanese movie ” cyborg girl”. I think the philosophy of artificial intelligence lies in  ———what defines as  human beings? body or consciousness or both ? is consciousness without any physical body sufficient to be considered as human ?

sorry, since I am an idealist, I do believe people can find great consolation, great companion from OS, thus, develop a deep friendship even love with OS.

But the story line of the next half of the movie becomes to be dull. The movie think,  human’s selfishness, like wanting absolute loyalty, will destroy any relationship, even with an OS. However, I think all software engineers won’t be so stupid to let the OS to reveal the truth about how many other lovers he/ she has to his/ her master.

anyway,  though it sounds ridiculous that in future, we will prefer computers to real human interaction, unfortunately, we are seeing the trend is happening now. Cyber space is like a drug, so addictive that the more you get used to it, the harder it becomes to exist. The more time we spend in front of computer, the less we are able to handle the reality. After all, real people will not be so obeisant , perfect  and unchangeable as the artificial intelligent would be. I have no comment , frustration, or anger towards the trends, I guess it’s what it is. But for me, I still love the complexity and uncertainty  of having a human being as my friends or husband. 


But I think there exists a great business opportunity for facebook. Try to image if facebook can develop some OS, so when we post anything, they will automatically comment or ” like”  or share , they will send gossip messages to us talking about celebrities what so ever. At least most of us using facebook don’t even notice our friends are real or just some artificial intelligence. if so, would it make you more likely to use those social networks? ?