My days in Russia

Coming to Russia really is a spontaneous decision, although I have fancied Russia for a long time, it hasn’t been on my destination list.  I guess it might due to the heavy political image I was taught in Chinese communist society for a long time, I haven’t viewed Russia as interesting, fun place but other a ” red ” place.

Just to take advantage of the ruble’s rapid depreciation, I booked the flight to Moscow and begin my two weeks adventure here in Russia.

Russia is notoriously known for tourism unfriendly, except St Petersburg. Without knowing a word of Russian, I could image it would be quite hard. But though Moscow city lacks any English signs for streets and metros, I was quickly adjust to it and found no problem navigating after two days. The city is well designed, quite intuitive though you need to get rid of other cities “convention” first.

If you are not good at finding ways, I suggest starting the journey in St Petersburg first, get used to Russia’s underway and Russian food name, it would be quite easy in Moscow.


Russian cities’ architecture is beautiful, especially in Moscow and St Petersburg.

The buildings are so big and streets are extremely wide. Walking in Russia gives me just one feeling– we are so small

Russian people dress so well. In Moscow, men and women dress up everyday and they are so stunning. Compared to US slob style, I feel Russia are much better

Russian are full of restaurants and cafes

Russian Cuisine are great

Vodka is not the only drinkade from bread and Russia has. Russia produces and people love beer, wines, but the unique ones are kvas, one kind of alcohol ma kind of low content alcohol made from honey. delicious.

Russia  people walk so fast.

st petersburg is not safe but Moscow is much better

Moscow lacks lots of commercial slogan, so it is quite clean to walk down the street.