


电影院,说白了就是一块大屏幕+一个公共空间,让大家一起看,为什么非要放一个故事?不可以放综艺片?不可以放搞笑的网剧? 我倒觉得小时代之类的放MV,爸爸去哪儿之类的放综艺,还有放网剧,都是一种开创性的思维,能赚到钱也说明了市场对其的肯定。如果真的只有质量过关的大片,好的艺术片才能称得上电影,才能在电影院上映,那一年能上映的片子还能剩下几部?中国的票房根本不会这么火。


至于中国电影,也许不用承担我们强调的文化输出的功能, 不用想着拿Oscar, 传播中国文化。我们本身的市场就很大,也许可以像印度的Bollywood一样,多做符合大众口味的电影,让中国普通 人约会假日,多一个消费的方式,不是挺好的嘛?











既然知道 要在中国大陆上映,所有的人物真实的心理都不能拍,你只能要不选择,不在大陆上映,找海外投资,以吴宇森的实力应该也可以。要不选择,干脆只拍为什么会沉船,淡写历史背景,突出一场灾难,也行。

因为太平轮沉船,就这件事而言,也很有戏剧性。对于船 过载描述太轻,沉船的经过也拍得不够细,使得这部片本子根本不够完整。








Everest — why do we climb mountains

I am organizing all the movies I have watched during 2015. Among all these, Everest is one of the only two I actually went to a real theater, sat there and watched with a large crowd. It is not an easy task for me to simply get out of the door and join others, however, I desperately wanted to do that.

I wish to support this movie since I highly respect all the mountain climbers and climbing Everest is also one of my dreams.everest-action-poster

The movie is based on a well known climbing disaster in Mount Everest 1996, causing 12 causality during that season. Even though it is a fictional , this movie gives a quite a faithful portrait.Though the truth of this disaster can still be a myth, a lot of  scenes in the movie is actually corresponding  to the other documentary and books. There are several documentaries investigating this disaster.


As with all other disasters, besides all the sorrows they bring, they teach the rest of us important lessons, especially  for the later commercial climbing industry.  Stick strictly to the turn around time,  never climb with the clients, more accurate weather forecasting,  cooperation between all the climb teams, etc. Sadly, the only way for us human beings to get these vital lessons is through all the failures and distastes.

Still, one question remaining for people who have never climbed, why.


Jeorge Mallory

Why did you want to climb Mount Everest?

Because it is there  —- George Mallory 

The legendary climber George Mallory gave the most beautiful answer to this question, showing human beings’ innate impulse to challenge the limit.

For me, the answer is much down to the earth, or boring in some sense.

Climbing is much easier than the daily life.  Life is the hardest thing in my opinion , compared with it, other things become much easier. When climbing, we just need to focus on one clear goal, getting to the top safely. Everything else vanishes in your mind. You are so clear and focused. However, in daily life, we are faced with confusing goal in life  and tons of mixed message.  What is the goal of life ? What is the path to happiness? What should I do at this moment?

Unfortunately, I can never figure out life and it always remains in confusion.

Extreme conditions expose all your weakness.  You will never know which is your weak link if you never put yourself in a challenging situation. The motto — get out of your comfortable zoom, begin to catch up in recent years. However,  I see lots of people may take it wrong. It is not about simply trying new stuff, it is about in a position to challenge yourself. Sometimes, the failure even would lead to death. Mountain climbing is a deadly sport, zero tolerance for any mistake. To successfully summit, strength is only one part of it. You need great estimation of yourself, need to conquer the summit fever, need to control in extreme situation. Some minor imperfection in your character will be hugely exaggerated in that situation for your notice.

Bear with that, any journey of life is ultimately a process to learn and develop of yourself.

Everest: Beyond the Limit  is a reality show documenting normal people trying to conquer the Everest. As a audience, we can clearly see how people’s character eventually affect their final conquest.




Does it worth to risk one’s life for adventures?

This question is highly subjective, since it is totally dependent on one’s understanding of life. For some people, like followers of Epicureanism the main purpose of life is individual pleasure, sure, climbing mountain would be a stupid idea.

For some,  agree with Socrates, life is about striving for your potential. Thus, similar to a lot of mountaineers,  constantly challenging to find out the limits of human beings, even until the death, is non disputable.

For modern generation, most of people believe in life is about getting as much pleasure and experience as they can get.  Watching the movie might be a reminder of a spirit and aspiration, long existed in human history, but gradually faded with time goes by.

Book : Zero to One

Actually, I finished the book long time ago, but the recent conversation with one friend, bringing back all the memories of the insights from this great book.

This book is often treated as a simple guide book for startups, since the author is famous for  co founding Paypal and also is a successful venture capitalist. However, it shouldn’t be confined to just a business book, this book touches a much deep topic– the merits of innovation and how to truly get success in every sphere of life ( of course that is simply my take on this).

Run away from IT and the Big data as fast as you can!

In Silicon Valley, this claim would be laughed at so hard since everything seems tagged with software and big data. However, if we scrutinize the SV,  it’s clear that the environment is much tough for the next big IT company, like Facebook or Google to come. IT is mainly a tool for providing information. Now, there is no IT service an average customer needs which has not been provided. Actually we are supplying much more than people need. Artificial Intelligence is still a myth by now. Big data is definitely not the solution for true intelligence, but breakthrough from neural science has not yet arrived. In some sense, IT industry is in a huge stagnation.

As a consequence, the competition remains so fierce that few companies really can make a profit, if not the hyped bubble.

But SV still is the most vibrant place in the world, the next great things would be not in the IT but somewhere else, like biology, space, energy etc.

Innovation is hard, but the reward is huge

Compared with globalization, innovation, which means from zero to one, is hard. Great things needs time, talents, huge resources to make it happen. However, the reward is huge since you are the monopoly in the field.

So it also applies to other field. Building  your unique core competence is  much better chasing the trends and  following what others are doing.



想起这本书是因为最近见到了一个大学的朋友,跟所有的中国年轻人一样,我们又回到了一个老话题– 回国创业?



如果时间倒退回十年前,情况就是像书中提出的globalization理论一样,是一种横向的发展,把技术横向推广到全世界,就能赚很多的钱。这就是中国最著名的 C to C 模式(copy to China), 的确是获得了很大的成功。

但这几年,能copy 的机会都copy 完了, 中国的互联网也成了世界上最发达的地区之一了,剩下的就只有zero to one 的创新模式。


另一种是技术创新,难度之大,不是读了几个Ph.D 就能做成的。况且在中国,大量的前期投资技术创新的VC还是少之又少。 与其在很年轻的时候就回国创业,不如在自己的行业多工作几年,有真的很好的想法,再行动也不迟。




中国有前几年,一直鼓吹竞争,似乎市场经济 == 竞争,然后完全的竞争会降低成本为消费者获利。 以此为由,知识产权在中国一直很难被保护。但竞争,其实是很不好的一种形式,过度的竞争只能是每个人都是loser.

商家不是消费者的敌人,不能用竞争把商家的利润无限趋于0,那长期的investment,是不可能发生的。有一次听一个中国企业家讲座,就提到他做企业时把很多的时间用来分析竞争对手的strategy, 消耗了自己大量本应用于产品研发的精力。竞争,产生于跟风的门槛低,一个business被证明是成功了,市场需求被证实了,就有大量的人跟进,不可避免,尤其是技术门槛很低的时候。而提高技术,品牌影响力,又不是一件特别容易的事情。

Anyway,   人生不在于一时,大量的青春电影和创业,让我们过度的崇拜年轻人,过度的崇拜激情,而那不是人生最成熟的时候,也不是最了解自己的时候。有时,等一等,可能是更好的选择。机会,总是会有的。





Escape from Freedom

Freedom has a twofold meaning for modern man: that he has been freed from traditional authorities and has become an ‘individual,’ but that at the same time he has become isolated, powerless and an instrument of purposes outside of himself, alienated from himself and others; furthermore, that this state undermines his self, weakens and frightens him, and makes him ready for submission to new kinds of bondage.

-Eric  Fromm



Freedom, is often  regarded as a human’s innate desire. Human history is fused with bloody battles to gain freedom from external powers bonded us, like authorities, traditions, culture or environmental constrains.


However, this book investigated an interesting question :

 Can freedom become a burden, too heavy for man to bear, something he tries to escape from?

Throughout history, we can also find out lots of evidence to prove people’s volunteer escape from freedom. Religion extremes, ultra-nationalism,  even Nazi are all great examples to show people giving up their individuality simply to be in part of a huge institution.


The author argues, which I totally agree , this is due to human’s fear of isolation and powerlessness. True independence is hard to obtain. Even though the modern technology and capitalism  renders people  a lot of power to be economically independent, it can’t give people a sense of security , which lots of people desperately needed. The sense of security and belonging is usually found in connection with others, like being part of large group.  If one can’t find it, the results would be lost, confusion and anxiety.

It seems that nothing is more difficult for the average man to bear than the feeling of not being identified with a larger group.So whenever another authority comes, new social orders, new values, even new dictatorship, he is ready to surrender. Even in democratic society,  people seems to be free,  in stead the reality is that they simply automatically register to the values imposed on them and never think about it. They believe  it’s their own thinking, but maybe not true.

For many, the individuality they claim is an illusion.  They adopt entirely the kind of personality offered to them by cultural patterns; and they therefore become exactly as all others are and as expected to be.

The solution?

The author suggest the positive  form of freedom based on original thinking and spontaneity. Judge everything based on your own thinking and feelings, retain the curiosity and cheerfulness as a child.

Two things would help escape from the fear, work and love. But still, how to achieve that has to be found out by oneself.

The journey would be long and winding, however, remaining the status of relying on others for security is not sustainable. Also, the temporary calm and security comes with a high price — lose oneself.

If possible, give yourself a chance to grow your own total personality.