Becoming old


I feel old right after I turned into 25, in face  I am aware that  it is more about a  mental issue than a physical one. It is the mental fatigue which sets me unable to keep energetic, keep motivated, and keep striving for a better self.


I feel I have experienced enough, good or bad, success or failure, love or indifference, and everything feels like climbing mountains — hard to climbing to the top, few seconds to stay there and soon begin to descend. Life feels like a dream,  nothing left except those memories. Sadly, those memories are burden. They constantly remind you how pleasure , as well as  suffering, slips so quickly.  That is the curse of becoming old. That is why we stop trying, settling down for comfort, settling down with a perfect excuse, family, kids, mature, responsibility, etc. But secretly, we all know, we still have potential, but we just lost the motivation to keep going.

Thus, I admire those athletes who can still train themselves, day in and day out, even they have stood on the highest podium before. I admire those who can still push themselves to stay competitive. It is not “staying there”, it is not “winning again”, it is a victory of all the mental and physical resistance, a smash on the face of those including me, giving up too earlier.

So what is the secret of keeping improvement, keeping moving ?

I think it is the boredom of comfort, the boredom of staying in the same place day after day. It sounds minimizing the efforts, however, it is not as it looks like. For some people, it is a curse. That is why after resting for one year, I started to work again.

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