The tech interview is totally nonsense

I have screwed up a number of tech interviews and I have to say, it sucks and also, it is totally nonsense.

I can not get why they ask so many stupid and detailed questions, for me,  knowing or not knowing the answer can not tell anything about the candidate you are interviewing with.

Say, one people asks me what Gaussian filter is, and then the matrix used to compute the Gaussian filter. What? Search on Google and you can get the answer .

Another asked me, what Kalman filter is, really?? you want me to explain and derive the whole process?? why not look up in Google?

Another asked me, how to construct the tree from preorder and postorder arrays.


The reason why I hate those interviews is not that I do not know the answer, but I feel it is totally a waste of time.


Because true engineer is not about skills or knowledge, it is about problem solving abilities. Knowing or not knowing detailed stuff wouldn’t disqualify you as an engineer.

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