Welcome to the world of Software Engineer

This is the sentence one of my college sent me when I was complaining to him about how tedious the work is. Though I am not absolutely fresh to coding,  finishing such a large project and complex tasks is still a totally new world to me. It feels exhausting and requires extremely high level of concentration and patience.

Currently, I am reading a book called Life in code:A personal History of Technology by Ellen Ullman.  It is not a book about gender issue in tech, but simply a book of reflection of a software engineer after 40 years in this field.

I feel so much sympathy with the author while reading the book.  I also don’t like the culture of software engineer, the boyish, immature and self centered culture.  The problem of coding is too logic and the problem of computer is lacking emotions. Only the end usage of the programs or the vast applications of programs make me stay in the field.

It is  inhuman to be a software engineer, however, I hope its application is only to provide a better living for humans.