Genetic education –CRISPR

Joining a bio company opens another world for me, things I used to know in high school now surface in my life again. Super excited to hear the words like DNA, RNA, bacteria, enzyme, etc.

One thing I hear today is CRISPR, though Power Point is so fancy  and the speaker is super good at delivering his lecture, I have a hard time to understand what is going on.

The quickest way for me is searching on Wikipedia

March Goal – Hope

Friday night 9pm, I was still in office, working on some fixes.

One coworker came to me  ” why are you still here?”

“Some bugs need to be fixed, not realize until today..” I opened another beer.

“No, it is not YOUR PROBLEM. These codes should be fixed by the other team..” He talked a lot about how to push back using all politics in a big corporation.

I looked at him and said nothing.  Though I appreciate he tries to protect me, I would not love to take that approach, and I wish myself never think in that way.

There is nothing I hate more of myself than being content with what I can do.  I wish I can always have to will and belief that I can accomplish things, especially the difficult ones.


Belief,  or hope, is the most important thing for you to get where you want to go. Sure, talent, skill, time and support are all important. But merely adding these elements together, won’t make miracle. You still need one thing,  the belief in yourself and the hope that it can be accomplished by you.

The people who have hope have the will and determination to make things work, in front of various obstacles.  Where there is a will, there is a way.

Work in corporation, with others, is difficult.  There are many obstacles. Having goals is not enough. One has to keep getting closer to those goals, amidst all the inevitable twists and turns.

When I joined the company, I wish I can make a change. However, my proposals and ideas are constantly pushing back,  by product managers, by market teams, by director and managers.   It makes me down, and gradually,  loses the motivation to push forward. Also with the interest in working.

So this month’s goal is to regain my belief in myself and regardless of what people say or whether it will be used, focus on the highest peak in my job and get myself there.