One year after graduation

When I see the photos of 2018 graduation ceremony on Facebook, I start to realize that it has been one year since I, myself, graduated last year.

What a year!

Sometimes, I wake up in the morning and still feel confused about where I am.  Still in school? Or else?

The pain from my Ph.D is always there. I can’t look back without anger or tears. But I start to think less and less frequently about it.

Maybe it is a good thing, I always tell myself in this way.  And I will try to remind myself of the things I still have.

Life is not fair, when I think about how much I put and how much I get. But it is not as unfair as I thought it would be.  At least, I still get food on my table and still have a bed to sleep at night.  Maybe others go through even a tougher path to get where they are right now.  The only thing I am aware of, is myself.

Have I pushed my best?  Can I stick on?

I could and I should. There is no end to the road, and I will keep on going.




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