What is happening Now

While I am continuing shelter in place for the third month, outside, from coast to coast in United States, there is protest, rioting, looting and destructing going on.

The death of George Floyd may serve a cause to trigger a long period frustration against the current US political system. A system is ruled by elite class, a system only works for the top rich, a system never cares of its hard working people.

When any crisis happens, it first rushes to use the collective resource to bail out the top rich, while allow the middle and lower class to survive by themselves.

As a regular worker, I shares the hatred and frustration with millions of others. I wonder where the hell my tax money goes and what the good the government has ever done for me.

Nothing, expect the troublesome regulation.

Will our protest lead to any changes? I am pessimistic about this either.. Without proper organization and focused request, general protests usually lead no where. However, those who get the good education and can lead the movements, are too busy working on big law firms or tech companies, wishing to become that 1%.