
Texas is one of my favorite cities in states. I can’t tell exactly why, part of it because of my affection for cow boys, part of it because of its attitude, seems like confident and some times even arrogant, part of it because of its big size, everything there are so big.

I believe there would be huge amount of passion goes on there, and I always dream to travel there some time in my life.

Before I go, I need to collect some knowledge about this place and plan what I expected to see.


good trip place

yesterday night I went to listen to OEP ‘s open lecture and learned  a lot of good hiking place in california


the first place to check is Yosemite,

Mono pass trail

Mist trail

or half dome


then Emigrant wilderness is also quite beautiful

big sure, good beach,

point reyes,  national park, also has good beach

sculpture beach


sequoia and king canyon

deadman canyon

hoover wilderness

crown lake lap  ::: a great place for fishing

Joshua tree,           if you are a big fan of rock climbing

pacific crest trail:::::::the longest one , takes 6 month to finish, but you can do a part, like john mur Trail, then it takes 3 weeks to finish


also I can do car camp or tent camp, then it is much easier and casual


good website







go karts racing

go karts racing~~~




racing car is so fun, when making a turn, you don’t need to brake, instead you can accelerate~~

then you can fell the shifting

another thing I regret is I never succeed to pass any  car..

need to come back and practice more~~~


Yesterday, I went to santa cruz to surf, but I didn’t surf, since I can’t swim and a little bit scared

so I stay in the beach and watch them surfing.

anyway, surfing is interesting, expect the time you spent idol for the waves


when I was on the beach, I saw a couple sitting there, so romantically


the beach is really beautiful


the people I met is really fun, they are all abc

and really handsome

I need to know more about others.

Tips for behind the wheel driving test

though I have driving licence in China, I have to admit that I am not good at driving. I can’t concentrate and do a lot of things at the same time, like checking the mirrors, signaling, turning the wheels, pay attention to the pedestrian at the same time.

I need more practice, even I pass the driving test here in California.

For the behind the wheel driving test, tips to the driving test

1 after getting on the car,

1) wearing seat belt

2) get the engine

3) release the parking brake

4) turn on the left signal

5) the driving

6)check the blind spot and side mirror before you start

right turn

1) first signal

2) check the side mirror and blind spot

3) turn the car to the right side

4) if there is stop sign, stop first

if there is just traffic light, then crawl up and check the vehicles in the lane, when the traffic light in front of you is red, then watch when the cars are clean

if the light is green, then yield the pedestrian

left turn

1) check the rear mirror, don’t need to check the blind spot and the side mirror.. just the rear mirror

2) always have to stop

3) in the unprotected cross road, when the traffic light is green, crawl up and wait when there is no car coming,  and pay attention to the pedestrian

at the intersection,  always check the cars and check the pedestrians

change lane

1) signal

2) make the car straight and relax

3) check the blind spot and mirror before

4) turn off the signal after you changing the lane

For the driving text

after going off the driving spot, checking the blind spot, check whether others are also existing, yield to them

then check whether there are pedestrians

then stop at the curb, check the coming cars , if there is no cars, turn your wheel smoothly and stop and the stop sign.

always known the road condition


brake a little to make the speed to be 15 mph, then ease the brake when you run across it.

Pull over

1) signal

2) check the mirror

3) brake

4) turn to the right a little

5) pull off

going back to DMV

left turn going back

1) slow down and turn on the signal

2) never gas during the process

3) then left turn again

4) pick the spot

hopefully you can pass~~~~