What kind of person I want to be

lie in the bed, midnight,

listen to the water dropping

di, di , di , di

Thinking, what kind of person, am I ?

What kind of person I want to be?

is this the right question?

not what kind of job I want to do

not what kind of people I want to marry

not what kind of things I want to achieve

but what kind of person I want to be


Yes, I want to be a cool person

a person with dedication, with determination

with faith, with dignity

with humanitarian spirits

with a genuine love for life

with a calm altitude

with no fear for failure

with no regret for the past, with no fear for the future

with a attitude of learning and experiencing

with the courage to trial



All the world’s a stage

The world is a stage

And you are a actor

passing from one scene to another.

No one wants the whole of you, no one takes interest of knowing the real you,

all they need is part of your function

as a labor, as a consumer, as an audience, as a companion, as a sexual partner, as a money provider,

who you are, what you do, how you think doesn’t matter to them

But, you are the one who has to deal with the whole of you,

the weakness, the evils, the ambitions, the hatred, the stirring emotions

the dark past, the numb present and the hopeless future.

You decide to  escape,

through doing things that don’t matter,

staying with people who you even don’t know

watching things which is totally boring.

You are just escaping, escaping the difficulty of facing yourself,

at time when you are transiting from one role to another.





